Scott Hagan

Scott's first smoker

Before his time as a business owner, Scott Hagan worked as a mechanic and truck driver at Artz Equipment. Those long days behind the wheel, crisscrossing South Dakota, sparked something in Scott—a deep love for the open road, new places, and the diverse people he met along the way. But Scott wasn’t just a man of the road; he was a man of the grill. What do you get when you combine a love for cooking and traveling? For Scott, it led to something extraordinary—the birth of The Shagan Pit, a BBQ food truck that marries his passion for great food with the thrill of exploration.

Giving back to the community

Designing his business with this dual passion in mind, Scott chose mobility over a stationary storefront. His BBQ truck has become a fixture at weddings, conferences, rallies, and more across South Dakota. Each event, each new town, is another chance for Scott to share his love of BBQ with diverse audiences.

As the years roll by, Scott has grown from a truck driver with a dream into a business-savvy entrepreneur. Yet, he’s never lost his old-school charm or his commitment to quality. At The Shagan Pit, Scott continues to uphold traditional BBQ methods, smoking his meats with wood smoke and ensuring that every bite is as fresh as it gets.

In a world that's rapidly going digital, Scott is adaptable. The once simple world of word-of-mouth and handshake deals has transformed into one dominated by social media. Scott now leverages platforms like Facebook and Instagram to broaden his brand’s reach, while also navigating the complexities of online contracts, deposit fees, and guarantees. Even as he embraces these modern tools, Scott remains grounded in his roots, ensuring that personal connections are still at the heart of his business.

Working with Scott, you quickly realize that The Shagan Pit is more than just a business—it's a legacy in the making. A legacy of hard work, passion, and quality that Scott hopes to pass down to future generations. Looking ahead, Scott dreams of taking his brand to the next level, expanding from catering events to seeing his products on the shelves of major stores.

Scott’s philosophy is simple: never give up, bet on yourself, and don’t live with regret. To any aspiring business owner, it’s time to stop saying "no" and pursue your dreams full throttle..


Lisa Morgan & Dana Oye