Rebecca Undem

Rebecca Undem, the owner of Growing Small Towns, shares her story of starting a business, being an entrepreneur, overcoming fear and the value of learning by doing. Visit our Facebook page to read Rebecca's full story.

What was your experience with starting a business?
"I first started my own official business in 2016 when I left my last corporate job as the organizational development director for a large nonprofit. My experience with starting it was like learning anything new; it was pretty tricky, super uncomfortable, and pretty ugly in terms of early results."

What is your advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?
"Quit gathering more information about how to start and just start! You learn by doing, so unless you're putting yourself in the way of experiences where you get to try new things, that learning can't happen. All the books, courses, and education you can gather won't replace the value of the lessons you learn by serving clients, making stuff, and screwing up. So get out there and try something!"

To learn more about Rebecca Undem, check out her page!


Mike Bockorny