Becky Kuch & Franne Sippel

Shrink Rap, a podcast by Becky Kuch and Franne Sippel, is making mental health advice more accessible and working to remove the stigma surrounding mental health illness. Their approach seamlessly combines expertise on these topics with humor and real-life experiences. They decided to start this podcast during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when people hesitated to discuss their struggles or seek help due to the scarcity of mental health care providers and the constraints of lockdown rules.

Becky and Franne, longtime friends and certified psychology experts, recognized the dire need for a solution and found their answer in the form of a podcast. Becky stated that their choice of a podcast over a blog or YouTube channel was influenced by the medium's popularity and inspired by "Massenomics," another podcast that successfully made the niche powerlifting field more relatable in Aberdeen.

While mental health may not be as niche, Becky and Franne acknowledged that many individuals still faced challenges attending in-person consultations due to the persistent stigma. Additionally, the available podcasts at the time lacked themes that resonated with a diverse audience. Determined to fill this void, they created a podcast focused on mental health issues, delivering practical advice with a humorous twist. Becky and Franne firmly believe in the healing power of laughter and humorously suggest that mental health might become a laughing matter if laughter can help alleviate worries.

Recognizing the limited accessibility of mental health care for many, the podcast, although not a substitute for in-person consultations or person-to-person therapy, serves as a bridge, encouraging listeners to seek additional help. With 117 episodes, 131k downloads and availability in 113 countries, "Shrink Rap" has garnered praise in their home state of South Dakota and achieved top-ranking status in Uruguay. This popularity highlights the universal appeal of Shrink Rap's unique approach to mental health experiences.

Over the years, both hosts and listeners have undergone significant emotional and mental growth. Franne shared how the podcast taught her to be more forgiving to herself and step out of her comfort zone. Both hosts agree that the podcast, along with its guest speakers, has fostered open-mindedness and increased their awareness of global current events.

The duo's most significant advice for aspiring business owners emphasizes seeking help when needed. They stress that it's not only acceptable, but highly encouraged to reach out to experts in areas where one lacks proficiency. This guiding principle has contributed to the smooth functioning of their podcast, thanks to the expertise of Brodie Mueller, their podcast producer, and the dedicated social media management handled by their social media manager.


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